The Four Crucial Steps of Infection Prevention and Control for Long-term Care

Hands being cleansed with soap and water - Importance of hand washing for personal hygiene and infection prevention, lathering and bubbling water enhance cleansing process - Health and safety concept.


Strategies for Engaging Your Team with Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

It is essential to get your team engaged and aligned with the facility’s goals for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). One way to do this is to establish an IPC committee consisting of champions from various departments. The committee will serve as a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and best practices. This will help the team understand the importance of IPC, keep them engaged, and maintain their commitment to these goals.

Establish an IPC committee
Share knowledge, ideas, and best practices regularly
Strive to maintain commitment to IPC goals set in place

Tips for Keeping Your Team Engaged

To keep your team engaged, it is crucial to have regular education sessions tailored to each department’s needs and focusing on the latest practices and trends. Make sure to communicate education goals and regularly assess the effectiveness of training. By continuously keeping your team informed and up to date, you can build a culture of excellence.

Facilitate regular practice sessions
Communicate education goals
Regularly assess the effectiveness of training

Incentivizing and Rewarding Excellent Practices

Incentivizing and rewarding excellent practices is a powerful tool to engage and motivate your team. For example, you could introduce a recognition program that acknowledges staff who consistently follow protocols and contribute to initiatives. Rewards can range from financial incentives, promotions, or public recognition. Such programs can help build momentum, foster friendly competition, and ultimately lead to a better culture.

Introduce a recognition program
Develop a reward system: financial, promotions, or public recognition are a few ideas
The goal is to build momentum, foster friendly competition, and create a better culture


Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires specialized knowledge and skills. Educating and training staff is critical to ensure that everyone in the facility understands their role in preventing the spread of infection. To achieve this, it is essential to follow the five subsections of education and training: Right Roles, Right Chemistry, Right Frequency, Right Safety, and Right Method.

Right Roles

Training should be tailored to the different roles in the facility, from front-line staff to managers and supervisors. Each department has unique IPC challenges and risks, and education should be specific to their roles and responsibilities. By providing targeted training, staff will be better equipped to prevent the spread of infection and promote a safe and healthy environment for residents and staff.

Right Chemistry

Infection control is a complex field that involves a variety of disciplines, including microbiology, epidemiology, and environmental health. Staff should be trained in the basics of microbiology and infectious disease transmission to understand how pathogens spread and how to prevent their transmission. This training should be delivered in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, using clear and concise language that avoids jargon.

Right Frequency

IPC training should be ongoing, not a one-time event. The frequency of training should be determined by the facility’s needs and the turnover of staff. New employees should receive basic IPC training during orientation, followed by ongoing education and refresher courses. Regular training sessions should also be conducted to address emerging issues and new IPC best practices.

Right Safety

IPC training should be conducted with a focus on safety, both for staff and residents. Staff should be trained on the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the safe handling of contaminated materials. They should also be trained to identify potential hazards and report them to their supervisors.

Right Method

There are various methods to deliver IPC training, including in-person, online, and on-the-job training. The right method will depend on the facility’s needs, staff availability, and the type of training required. In-person training allows for hands-on learning and interaction with instructors and peers. Online training is convenient and accessible, while on-the-job training is an effective way to reinforce skills and knowledge.

In conclusion, educating and training staff is critical to prevent the spread of infection in long-term care facilities. By following the five subsections of education and training, staff will be better equipped to understand their role in IPC, prevent the spread of infection, and promote a safe and healthy environment for residents and staff.


Executing an effective infection prevention and control plan in a long-term care facility requires a comprehensive approach that covers cleaning, disinfection, hand hygiene, floor care, and odor elimination. Each of these sub-sections is critical in preventing the spread of infection and ensuring the safety of residents and staff. By following evidence-based guidelines and utilizing appropriate products and equipment, facilities can establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for all.


Cleaning is the first and most crucial step in preventing the spread of infections in long-term care facilities. It involves the removal of visible dirt and organic matter from surfaces, equipment, and floors. To ensure effective cleaning, staff must use an EPA-registered disinfectant or detergent and water to clean all surfaces thoroughly. Cleaning must occur regularly, and staff should follow manufacturer’s instructions for use and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary.


Disinfection is the next step after cleaning and is essential in killing germs and preventing the spread of infections. Disinfection should occur after every interaction with a resident and whenever there is a risk of contamination, such as with a known infectious disease outbreak. Staff should use an EPA-registered disinfectant and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use to ensure that the disinfectant is effective.

Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infections. Staff must follow proper hand hygiene practices, including washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Hand hygiene should occur before and after any direct resident contact, before and after any contact with medical equipment or devices, and after removing gloves.

Floor Care

Floor care is essential in preventing the spread of infections in long-term care facilities. Floors can harbor harmful microorganisms, and if not cleaned and disinfected correctly, can spread infections. Staff should use an EPA-registered disinfectant to clean and disinfect floors, following the manufacturer’s instructions for use. In addition, staff should address any spills or soiling immediately to prevent the spread of infections.

Odor Elimination

Odor elimination is important in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment in long-term care facilities. Foul odors can be caused by bacteria and other microorganisms, so it’s crucial to address any unpleasant smells. Staff should use odor elimination products that are safe for residents and follow manufacturer’s instructions for use.

To ensure the successful execution of an IPC plan in a long-term care facility, staff must be well-trained and knowledgeable about the importance of IPC. Ongoing education and training programs should be in place to ensure that staff understands and follows IPC guidelines. Regular audits and assessments should also occur to ensure that IPC practices are being executed effectively.

In conclusion, the execution of an IPC plan in a long-term care facility requires a comprehensive approach to cleaning, disinfection, hand hygiene, floor care, and odor elimination. By following proper IPC practices and regularly evaluating and improving the IPC plan, staff can ensure a safe and healthy environment for residents.


Step 1: Establish Evaluation Goals and Objectives

The first step in evaluating an infection prevention program is to establish clear goals and objectives. This can be achieved by identifying specific outcomes that the facility hopes to achieve, such as reducing the number of healthcare-associated infections or improving hand hygiene compliance. Once the goals and objectives have been established, it is important to communicate them to all staff members and ensure that everyone is aware of their role in achieving these outcomes.

Step 2: Conduct a Baseline Assessment

The second step in evaluating an infection prevention program is to conduct a baseline assessment of the facility’s current infection prevention practices. This should include an assessment of the facility’s cleaning and disinfection practices, hand hygiene program, floor care program, and odor elimination program. The assessment can be conducted through direct observation, environmental sampling, and staff interviews. This will help identify areas for improvement and establish a baseline to measure progress.

Step 3: Implement Improvement Strategies

The third step in evaluating an infection prevention program is to implement improvement strategies based on the findings of the baseline assessment. For example, if the assessment revealed poor hand hygiene compliance, the facility can implement strategies such as providing additional training on hand hygiene, increasing the availability of hand hygiene products, and using posters and reminders to encourage staff to practice good hand hygiene. The implementation of improvement strategies should be monitored regularly to ensure that they are effective and making a positive impact on infection prevention practices.

Step 4: Measure and Evaluate Progress

The final step in evaluating an infection prevention program is to measure and evaluate progress. This should include regular monitoring of infection rates, environmental sampling, and staff compliance with infection prevention practices. It is important to track progress over time and adjust strategies as necessary to ensure continued improvement. Additionally, it is important to involve staff members in the evaluation process and provide regular feedback on their performance.

In summary, evaluating the effectiveness of an infection prevention program is a critical component of reducing the spread of infections in long-term care facilities. By establishing clear goals and objectives, conducting a baseline assessment, implementing improvement strategies, and measuring and evaluating progress, facilities can improve their infection prevention practices and provide a safer environment for residents and staff.

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