Your Step-by-step on Disinfecting Your Surfaces (For Long-term Care)

disinfect surfaces with disinfection spray

Understanding the Need for Disinfection

In the realm of long-term care facilities, the importance of disinfection cannot be overstated. It serves as a crucial line of defense in infection prevention and control, ensuring the safety and well-being of both residents and staff.

Role of Disinfection in Infection Prevention

Disinfection plays a pivotal role in preventing the spread of infections within long-term care facilities. By eliminating harmful pathogens on surfaces, we can significantly reduce the risk of disease transmission. This process, often referred to as sanitization, is a cornerstone of disease control. The importance of disinfection in preventing infections is well-documented, with numerous studies highlighting its effectiveness in curbing the spread of diseases.

Impact of Infections in Long-term Care Facilities

Infections can have severe consequences in long-term care facilities. They pose a significant health risk to residents, particularly those with weakened immune systems. Moreover, an outbreak can disrupt the facility’s operations, leading to increased healthcare costs and potential reputational damage. Understanding the consequences of infections and the impact they can have on long-term care facilities is vital in emphasizing the importance of effective disinfection practices.

Risk of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs)

Long-term care facilities face the unique challenge of managing the risk of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs). These pathogens, resistant to multiple antibiotics, pose a significant threat to resident health. Disinfection plays a crucial role in controlling the spread of MDROs, helping to mitigate the risk they pose.

Types of Surfaces in Long-term Care Facilities

Within long-term care facilities, various surfaces can act as potential reservoirs for disease-causing pathogens. Understanding the role these surfaces play in disease transmission is key to effective disinfection.

High-Touch Surfaces

High-touch surfaces are areas frequently touched by residents, staff, and visitors. These include doorknobs, handrails, and equipment controls. Due to their frequent contact, these surfaces can quickly become contaminated and serve as hotspots for disease transmission. The best way to come high-touch surfaces is through electrostatic application.

Low-Touch Surfaces

Contrarily, low-touch surfaces, such as floors and walls, have minimal contact with hands. However, they should not be overlooked in a comprehensive disinfection strategy. While they may not be as frequently touched, they can still harbor pathogens and contribute to the overall microbial load in the environment.

At MasVida Health, we understand the importance of thorough disinfection in long-term care facilities. Our comprehensive facility hygiene solutions are designed to address both high-touch and low-touch surfaces, ensuring a safer, healthier environment for all.

The Disinfection Process

In the realm of long-term care facilities, understanding the disinfection process is crucial. This process involves several key steps, from selecting the right disinfectant to understanding the importance of contact time.

Choosing the Right Disinfectant

Choosing the right disinfectant is a critical first step in the disinfection process. Not all disinfectants are created equal, and their effectiveness can vary depending on the pathogens they are designed to kill. When selecting a disinfectant, it’s important to consider factors such as its EPA approval status and its effectiveness against common pathogens found in long-term care facilities. MasVida Health, for instance, provides a range of EPA-approved disinfectants designed to combat a wide array of pathogens, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for both residents and staff.

Step-by-Step Guide to Disinfecting Surfaces

Disinfecting surfaces in a long-term care facility is not as simple as wiping them down with a disinfectant. It’s a process that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to specific steps. These steps include pre-cleaning the surface, applying the disinfectant, allowing it to dwell for the recommended contact time, and then wiping it off. It’s also important to regularly replace cleaning materials to avoid cross-contamination. MasVida Health provides comprehensive guides and resources to assist in this process, ensuring effective disinfection and a safer environment for all.

Importance of Contact Time in Disinfection

Contact time, also known as dwell time, is the amount of time a disinfectant need to remain wet on a surface to effectively kill pathogens. It’s a crucial aspect of the disinfection process that is often overlooked. If the disinfectant is wiped away before the recommended contact time, it may not effectively kill all the pathogens. Therefore, always ensure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding contact time to ensure effective disinfection.

Best Practices for Disinfecting Surfaces

When it comes to disinfecting surfaces in long-term care facilities, there are several best practices to follow. These include understanding the difference between cleaning and disinfection, knowing how often to disinfect, and being aware of special considerations for different types of surfaces.

Routine Cleaning vs. Disinfection

Routine cleaning and disinfection are two distinct processes, each with its own importance in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Cleaning involves removing dirt and impurities from surfaces, while disinfection involves killing pathogens. Both are crucial in long-term care facilities, where the risk of infection is high. Regular cleaning followed by disinfection is the most effective way to reduce the risk of infection.

Frequency of Disinfection

The frequency of disinfection in long-term care facilities can vary depending on several factors, including the type of surface and its usage. High-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, handrails, and light switches, should be disinfected at least once a day, while less frequently touched surfaces may require less frequent disinfection. MasVida Health offers resources to help facilities create a disinfection schedule that suits their specific needs.

Special Considerations for Different Types of Surfaces

Different types of surfaces require different disinfection approaches. For instance, hard, non-porous surfaces like countertops and floors can be easily cleaned and disinfected with standard disinfectants. However, soft, porous surfaces like carpets and curtains may require special disinfectants or cleaning methods. Always ensure to use a disinfectant suitable for the specific surface type to ensure effective disinfection.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Disinfection

Importance of PPE During Disinfection

Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, plays a crucial role in the disinfection process in long-term care facilities. PPE serves as a barrier between the person wearing it and harmful germs, reducing the risk of infection. Not using PPE during disinfection can expose staff to harmful pathogens, leading to potential health risks. Therefore, the importance of PPE in disinfection cannot be overstated.

Types of PPE Used During Disinfection

Various types of PPE are used during the disinfection process. These include gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection. Gloves protect the hands from direct contact with harmful germs and chemicals. Gowns prevent contaminants from reaching the clothes and skin. Masks cover the nose and mouth, preventing the inhalation of airborne pathogens. Eye protection shields the eyes from splashes or sprays of harmful substances. The type of PPE used depends on the level of risk associated with the task at hand.

Proper Use and Disposal of PPE

Proper use and disposal of PPE are essential to ensure safety and prevent contamination. PPE should be put on before starting the disinfection process and removed immediately after. It’s important to avoid touching the front of the PPE during removal, as it may be contaminated. After removal, PPE should be disposed of in a designated waste container. Hand hygiene should be performed immediately after PPE removal.

Training and Compliance

Importance of Staff Training in Disinfection Procedures

Training staff in proper disinfection procedures is vital for maintaining a safe and healthy environment in long-term care facilities. Proper training ensures that staff know how to thoroughly disinfect and sanitize common touchpoints, reducing the risk of infection. Improper disinfection can lead to the spread of pathogens, posing a threat to both residents and staff. Therefore, investing in staff training is a key aspect of effective infection control.

Monitoring and Ensuring Compliance with Disinfection Protocols

Monitoring compliance with disinfection protocols is as important as the protocols themselves. Strategies for monitoring compliance may include regular audits, checklists, and feedback systems. Ensuring that all staff are following the correct procedures helps maintain a consistent level of cleanliness and reduces the risk of infection. Compliance with disinfection protocols is a shared responsibility and requires the commitment of all staff members.

Engaging Residents in Infection Prevention

Engaging residents in infection prevention is a critical aspect of maintaining a healthy living environment in long-term care facilities. This involves educating residents about the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene, and encouraging their active participation in maintaining these standards.

Educating Residents About the Importance of Disinfection

Education plays a key role in infection prevention. By educating residents about the importance of disinfection, we can empower them to take an active role in maintaining their health and the health of those around them. This can be achieved through regular workshops, informative sessions, and one-on-one discussions.
The focus of resident education should be on the importance of regular hand hygiene, the proper use of disinfectants, and the significance of maintaining a clean living environment. Residents should be made aware of how germs spread and the potential health risks associated with poor hygiene practices.
In addition, residents should be encouraged to take responsibility for the cleanliness of their personal spaces. This includes regular cleaning and disinfection of high-touch areas such as doorknobs, tables, and personal care items.
By educating residents and promoting their involvement in disinfection practices, we can foster a culture of cleanliness and infection prevention within the facility.

Encouraging Residents to Maintain Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness

Maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness is a key aspect of infection prevention. Residents should be encouraged to practice good personal hygiene habits, including regular hand washing, oral care, and maintaining clean living spaces.
One effective strategy is to establish a routine for residents, which includes regular times for personal care activities. This can help to ensure that hygiene practices are not overlooked.
Staff can also model good hygiene practices and provide positive reinforcement when residents maintain good hygiene habits. This can help to create a positive environment where cleanliness and hygiene are valued and prioritized.
In addition, providing residents with easy access to hygiene supplies such as hand sanitizers, wipes, and cleaning products can encourage them to maintain cleanliness in their living spaces.
By promoting personal hygiene and cleanliness, we can reduce the risk of infections and contribute to a healthier living environment for all residents.
Remember, the role of residents in infection prevention is crucial. By educating them and encouraging their active involvement, we can create a safer and healthier environment for everyone in the facility.


In the realm of long-term care facilities, the importance of disinfection cannot be overstated. From understanding the need for disinfection and the role of different surfaces in disease transmission, to the intricacies of the disinfection process and best practices, every aspect is crucial in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Equally important is the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during disinfection and ensuring staff training and compliance with disinfection protocols. Engaging residents in infection prevention efforts further fortifies our defenses against infections. MasVida Health is leading the way in providing comprehensive solutions for facility hygiene. By adhering to these guidelines and fostering a culture of cleanliness, we can significantly reduce the risk of Healthcare-Acquired Infections (HAIs) and ensure a healthier future for our residents.

What are some additional measures long-term care facilities can take to prevent the spread of infections?

Beyond regular disinfection, long-term care facilities can implement measures such as regular health screenings for staff and residents, isolation protocols for new admissions or those showing symptoms, and promoting good hand hygiene practices. Regular audits to ensure adherence to infection control protocols can also be beneficial.

How can technology aid in the disinfection process in long-term care facilities?

Technology can play a significant role in enhancing disinfection processes. For instance, electrostatic can be used for disinfecting surfaces and air, while automated systems can help track cleaning schedules and ensure compliance. Companies like MasVida Health are also leveraging technology to provide comprehensive hygiene solutions through our OneSource portal.

How can family members and visitors contribute to maintaining hygiene in long-term care facilities?

Visitors can play a crucial role in maintaining hygiene by adhering to the facility’s infection control protocols, such as hand hygiene, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distance. They can also help by reporting any hygiene concerns to the facility management.

How important is ventilation in preventing infections in long-term care facilities?

Proper ventilation is crucial in preventing the spread of airborne diseases. Ensuring regular air exchange, maintaining HVAC systems, and using air purifiers can help improve air quality and reduce the risk of infections.

Can residents’ personal items contribute to the spread of infections in long-term care facilities?

Yes, personal items can potentially harbor pathogens and contribute to disease spread. Therefore, it’s important to include them in the regular cleaning and disinfection schedule. Residents should also be educated about the importance of keeping their personal items clean.

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